My professional relationship with Lisa Delaney began a few years ago when we met on opposite sides of a commercial building transaction where I represented the developer/owner and she came in for the buyer. At the outset, tremendous impediments and problems in the deal came to light, many of which were discovered during the course of her meticulous due diligence. However, at no time did our deal ever go ‘sideways,’ as both Lisa and I shared and continued to believe that, even though we were on opposite sides, our tasks were to accomplish the mutual goal of our clients – to bring the deal to a conclusion.
Over the past several years since the completion of that deal, we have referred to each other numerous difficult and complicated cases. And more importantly, our professional relationship has grown to that of a solid friendship. Lisa is, by far, the most consummate real estate professional whom I have ever met, and I am quite proud to also consider her a friend. – Brad Pinta, Esq., Pinta Law Group, LLC, Quincy, MA